Facilities & Services
Westerly Apartments offers a variety of on-site services, including a health clinic, convenience store, activity center, transportation services, and so much more.
Within a short distance of our campus, residents can access supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, medical facilities, shopping, and recreation.
Westerly Campus On-Site Facilities
Convenience store open Monday through Friday
Media Center: Library with books, newspapers and magazines and computers with Internet access
Beauty Shop open on Thursdays and Fridays
A resale shop with clothes and household items, two days each week

On-Site Health Services
Weekly Health Center with health screening and lab work
Neighborhood Family Practice on-site on Thursdays
Podiatrist on-site weekly
Three Service Coordinators have offices in the buildings and are available five days

Local Amenities
Supermarkets and discount stores
Doctor’s Offices
Transportation Services
Available on a Pay-as-you-Go Basis
Barton Center car available for scheduled trips in Lakewood
RTA Regular Bus stop in front of the Westerly for trips west to western suburbs and Malls, downtown Cleveland and eastern suburbs